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At Home Setting Part 1

Do these with weighted ball and weighted gloves. Record yourself doing this for a while and then watch it back - change what you need to. Be aware of what your body is doing on every rep. Feel free to send me the video so I can critique. Hand focus:

Laying down setting (self-toss) – catch and release Be sure the ball enters ball shaped hands, thumbs are back, flex wrists and release flat – exaggerate it Laying down setting (w/ partner) – drop, catch, release Partner drops ball into loaded arms, catch for 1 second and fire it back up to tosser. Focus on catching the ball in cushioned position; act as if the ball is an egg, precision finish to target Laying down setting (self-toss) – set and catch You want the touch on the ball to be as quiet as possible. Laying down setting (w/ partner) – drop and set Partner drops ball into loaded arms and fires it up to tosser. Focus on cushioning the ball; act as if the ball is an egg and precision finish to target

Sit and set – self toss

​Sit with legs bent, feet flat on the ground and knees apart. Toss to yourself above your head and work on keeping the ball in a straight line on your body. Set from on top of your head – exaggerate it. Change your palms and set 3’s from this position to a wall or partner. Work on cushioning the ball as always. You can add someone flashing something on your right side to work on peripherals.

Sit and set – self toss with lean

Same as above but toss to yourself behind your head and then in front of your head. Work on getting head under the ball. Keep good posture with your body (straight line) - chin stays level while looking out the tops of your eyes. Focus on palms and trajectory. Alternate setting 1’s and 3’s. Work on cushioning the ball as always.

Stand and self-toss –

Start with a wall to your right as your net and ball in your left hand straight out to your left. Toss the ball to yourself with left hand, and work planting your right foot and then jumping off 2 feet. Set 1’s and 3’s. Work on the good posture from the previous drills and work on taking the ball on top of your head rather than in front.

Stand and self-toss with lean –

Toss with two hands and take your hips through your shoulders and lean back. Stay in a straight line while doing this and set the ball from slightly behind your head. I just want you to get comfortable with this umcomfortable move. Do the same with leaning forward and setting back.

Footwork focus:

Self-toss, set to wall –

Toss to yourself above your head with non-dominate hand, create spin on the ball Hop, freeze, set as far as you can. Keep right foot on the floor and step through with your left foot. DO NOT HOP THROUGH DURING THIS. Self-toss, emergency footwork – catch and release

Start with a wall to your right as your net and ball in your left hand straight out to your left. Toss the ball to your left about 5-10 feet. You are to work on your left and right foot spins. Catch ball in setting position, pivot on planted foot, finish body and hands and ball to target. LEFT step off the wall – always; alternate feet while working off.

Self-toss, emergency footwork – set

Same as above but setting. The foot you are spinning on must stay ON the ground and your off leg must be used to help get you somewhat balanced on one foot.


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